"Well, yeah. You'd have to keep out of the way whatever you did. One of them lays eyes on you, and you have a lot of problems." 0 watch 2 "The Nepharim. It's weird. They're like Nephilim, have Nephilim mothers, but something makes some of them come out bigger, and meaner, and mostly sterile. A bunch of them have come here to live alone. I don't know why. It doesn't matter, anyway." 0 kitties 2 "Down the tunnel on the other side of the portcullis. I have a bad feeling about that place." 0 crypt 2 "It's near here, but they usually keep a guard stationed near there, on the other side. It'd be great if there was another, but if there is I haven't found it yet. Oh, be careful around that crypt." 0 tunnel 2 "Lots of 'em. Mostly around the front gate, a few in the big open area, not many around the prisoners. The problem is getting to them. I found a hidden tunnel, but..." He sighs. "They're always watching." 0 guards 2 "One thing is, is you could get the portcullis open, it'd make a great escape route." "There's a big portcullis down the tunnel. Go back to the branch, take the right. Can't miss it. The others are being held in the building just on the other side. I'd slip in, but the portcullis is in the way." He pauses to think. 0 portcullis 2 "Yes, and soon. The kitties won't keep them around for long. I know where they are, but there's that stupid portcullis, and the guards too." 0 rescue 2 "It's a town to the south, just off the Dark Lake. They've probably given up on us by now." 0 cotra 2 "I was a soldier in the Cotra militia. Then a bunch of us got captured. I got away, and've been trying to figure out how to rescue the others before the kitties finish them off." "I'm Gordon. It's good to see you." You see a thin man in ratty clothes. He lowers his sword when he gets a closer look at you. 0 stnd 2 "I'm not sure." 9 2 The writing on the sign is in the Nephilim language. Embedded in the wall is a slab of basalt. There are malachite runes sunk into it. Embedded in the wall is a slab of basalt. There are malachite runes sunk into it. Underground Fort